Paper preparation
Dear prospective authors
you are cordially invited to submit original and unpublished papers in English. Electronic submission (using the DDECS 2009 web site submission system) of PDF files is required. The extended submission deadline is January 20, 2009.
By means of their submission, authors agree to register for and participate in DDECS'09 if their submission is accepted for oral or poster presentations.
All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings with the IEEE Computer Society copyright, ISBN number, as well as will be indexed in IEEE Xplore and other bibliographical search engines.
Creating IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs by YOURSELF or using IEEE PDF eXpress™
Creating an IEEE compliant PDF version of the paper is sometimes the most common difficulty faced by authors. We have subscribed to IEEE PDF eXpress service to assist authors in converting their files to PDF files that meet IEEE PDF compliance criteria.
Please note that PDF eXpress only creates the PDF files for YOU, and you should still submit the converted file to DDECS 2009!
In some of the following links is required conference ID; please use "ddecs2009x"
Format of the paper should follow the guidelines for the IEEE sponsored conference Proceedings (two-columns format).
- The templates (DOC, LaTeX) are available on IEEE Templates site.
- Settings of PDF distiler are prescribed in PDF specification for the IEEE sponsored conference Proceedings (two-columns format). If you choose not to use IEEE PDF eXpress, you can use the job options file to set Adobe Distiller to the correct requirements.
- AFTER the PDF conversion, the PDF file MUST be checked by IEEE PDF eXpress. This is mandatory for the compatibility of all manuscripts that have to be included in IEEE Xplore.
- IEEE PDF eXpress Access:
- Conference ID: ddecs2009x (conference name = ddecs2009)
- Detailed instructions for IEEE PDF eXpress are here
Paper categories:
- Regular papers should present novel and complete research work supported by experimental results, as well as emerging idea papers or case study papers. Authors of regular papers accepted for an oral presentation will be asked to prepare a final manuscript of 6 pages maximum. Authors of regular papers accepted for a poster presentation will be asked to prepare a final manuscript of 4 pages maximum.
- Student papers, authored by students, should also describe novel research ideas or case studies. If you need or want to include the supervisor name into paper authors, please put it after the name(s) of the student(s). Student papers will be evaluated with the same review criteria like regular papers, but the acceptance threshold for these papers will be different and adjusted to select the best papers in this category. Authors of student papers accepted for an oral presentation during workshop student sessions will be asked to prepare a final manuscript of 4 pages maximum.
- Industrial papers should present new practical electronic designs and test applications in electronic systems as well as case studies. Authors of industrial papers accepted for an oral presentation during workshop industrial sessions will be asked to prepare a final manuscript of 4 pages maximum.